Telehealth is a mode of remote care delivery using electronic information and communication technologies. In other words, telehealth means conducting your health appointments via phone call or a video conference. Under California law, it is defined as “a mode of delivering health care services and public health via information and communication technologies to facilitate the diagnosis, consultation, treatment, education, care management, and self-management of a patient’s health care while the patient is at the originating site and health care provider is at the distant site.”
Telehealth is a helpful option any time, but it’s especially important during the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency. Phone and video appointments protect you, your providers, and your community from possibly spreading or getting COVID-19. During this pandemic, Redwoods Rural offers appointments via phone or video for medical, behavioral health and nutrition services, utilizing Zoom video conferencing or telephone.
For telehealth appointments, you will need:
Telephone (either mobile or land line) for phone appointments,
Zoom for video appointments, either on the computer, laptop, or mobile phone app AND
Internet (or wifi for mobile) connection
Meeting ID, and/or password (your provider will send you this information prior to your appointment)
How to use Zoom for video appointments
To use the Zoom platform, you will need a computer, laptop, or mobile device with an integrated camera and microphone. You also need an internet connection that allows you to stream video. As long as your wireless connection is strong enough, you can use wifi too.
*Your internet speeds should be at least 15mbps for uploads and 5mbps for downloads. You can check your internet speed by going to speedtest.net and clicking "Begin test."
Each meeting has a unique number called a Meeting ID that will be required to join any Zoom meeting. If you are joining a Zoom meeting via telephone, you will need the teleconferencing number provided in the invite. Your provider will email you the Meeting ID link and/or the phone number prior to your appointment.
To download Zoom, please go to: https://zoom.us/download.
How to Join a Zoom Video Meeting
Join a Zoom meeting using one of these methods:
Simply click on the link sent to you by the provider

2. Click Join a Meeting if you want to join without signing in

Enter the Meeting ID number and your display name
Select if you would like to connect audio and/or video and click Join.

Enter the Meeting ID number and your display name
Select if you would like to connect audio and/or video and click Join.
Zoom Video Tutorials:
Joining a Zoom Meeting for the first time:
Joining & Configuring Audio & Video:
Zoom Step by Step instructions (article with graphics):
Step by Step instructions: https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/articles/201362033-Getting-Started-on-Windows-and-Mac
Helpful links:
Zoom video tutorials: https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/articles/206618765-Zoom-Video-Tutorials